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Filecoin Localnet

Having a fully synced Lotus node can take considerable time and effort to maintain. Thats why we built a localnet to enhance app development, testing, and continuous integration scenarios.

The required effort is normal on live blockchain networks but isn't ideal in some scenarios.

Localnet Features

Quick start up

Starting the localnet should take under a minute after the docker instances have been installed. Storing a file in a new deal should take about a minute with the default settings and faster with custom settings.

The localnet runs a local localnet with a mock sector-builder. This enables fast deployment of a development Filecoin network containing miners with mocked sealing but the rest of the network logic remains the same as the production Filecoin network. The miners are configured to accept and store all incoming deals.


You can change settings such as block generation speed and sector sizes.

For CI environments, you may set block production speeds to the order of ~100ms and disable --bigsectors. This localnet setup would be optimized for minimum CPU usage and very fast chain progress, which can confirm deals in seconds.

If you require more realistic scenarios (e.g. during product demos), you can change to block production speed to ~1s and enable --bigsectors. This would progress deals slow enough that you can observe updates in the status of confirmed deals at the rate of ~1 minute and also store larger files if required.


Not using --bigsectors will limit you to storing files of around 700 bytes and deals will complete in 30-60 seconds. Using --bigsectors will allow you to store files anywhere from 1Mb to 400Mb, but deals will complete in 3-4 minutes. Be sure to choose the value that makes sense for your development scenario.

Production compatible storage

The localnet is designed to function the same way as the production Filecoin network, except faster and entirely local.

The localnet supports both 2KiB and 512MiB sectors and the speed of block production is configurable. For advanced features, refer to the localnet Readme.

Localnet Miners

Localnet generates miners deterministically when it's started.

If you run the localnet with a single miner, the miner's address will be t01000. If you start the localnet with two miners, the addresses will be t01000 and t01001. And so on.

When running the localnet in Powergate, you can also fetch miner details from the miner API or CLI.

Getting Started

There are a few resources you'll need before you start running any nodes:

  • Docker Desktop. In the examples below, you'll run node instances using local Docker containers. You can do the same with any Docker-enabled system but to get started, we recommend Docker Desktop and the default configurations provided.
  • Powergate. If you run the localnet as part of the Powergate, you should get the latest version of the Powergate source code.
  • Golang. Building the Powergate CLI from code requires that you can run commands with Go. Other sections of the tutorials below don't require Go.

Localnet with Powergate

The fastest way to experiment with the Powergate CLI or API is to replace the Lotus client dependency with a running localnet.

This will run the Powergate on a Lotus client connected to an embedded network of miners.


You can run localnet with a Powergate release or Powergate source code.

Download a release

Visit the latest Powergate release page and download the powergate-docker-<version>.zip release artifact. Unzip it and cd into the resulting directory:

unzip powergate-docker-<version>.zip
cd powergate-docker-<version>

Use Powergate source code

Clone the Powergate and cd into the project's docker directory:

git clone
cd powergate/docker


You can now use the provided docker-compose configuration with whichever option you chose.

The default setup runs Powergate connected to a localnet with 512Mib sectors. The gRPC API and CLI are available and don't need any extra config flags. 🎊

Run the docker-compose

Docker files for the Powergate are contained in the folder, /docker.

make localnet


You can set BIGSECTORS according to your needs. See the description above for more information. If you don't specify a BIGSECTORS environment variable, the default is true.

On initial setup, Docker will download the required instances before any Powergate setup begins. Downloads may take a few minutes and only happen on the first run.

Once running, you'll begin to see log outputs, including those of the embedded miner.

lotus_1      | 2020-05-29T20:35:08.644Z WARN    miner   miner/miner.go:177\
mined block in the past {"block-time": "2009-01-01T04:44:30.000Z",\
"time": "2020-05-29T20:35:08.644Z", "duration": 359999438.64444387}

When complete, you'll have a fully functional Powergate (powd), a Lotus localnet, and an IPFS node wired together to start using.

Create a deal and store a file

The CLI and API are the same in localnet and production except that your deals will store faster and disappear when you delete the localnet.

Install the CLI

You can install the CLI from a Powergate release or the source code.

Download a release

Visit the latest Powergate release page and download the pow_<version>_<platform>.tar.gz file appropriate for your system. Unzip and install pow (the following example is for Unix-like systems):

tar -xzvf pow_v0.1.0_darwin-amd64.tar.gz
Moved ./pow to /usr/local/bin


If you're installing on macOS, there are some system permissions issue you'll have to deal with. Please follow the hub installation instructions to work around the issue.

Build from source code

From the root of the powergate repo, you can build the CLI from the latest code. This will install the Powergate CLI, pow, on your machine.

make build-pow

Test your installation.

pow --help

Start storing data

You're now ready to start storing and retrieving data using the Powergate. Read more on Storing Data.

Localnet with Lotus Client

You can run the localnet to make use of the Lotus Client with all the benefits described in the introduction but with no Powergate or IPFS components.

Run from Docker image

You can run localnet with the Docker image we maintain. Running the image is just a single line.

docker run --name texlocalnet -e TEXLOTUSDEVNET_SPEED=1500 \
-e TEXLOTUSDEVNET_BIGSECTORS=true -p 1234:7777 \
-v /tmp/import:/tmp/import textile/lotus-devnet

After running the container, the Lotus API endpoint is available at the default port which lets you use the Lotus CLI without any extra configuration.

Remember, localnets should be used as ephemeral networks, so be sure to stop and remove the texlocalnet container if you re-rerun the above command again.

If you plan to use the ClientImport API or lotus client import command, your target file to import should be in the /tmp/import path on your host machine. This folder is bound to the docker image and the localnet, so the Lotus node can find it under the same path.

Finally, notice that the above command doesn't specify the textile/lotus-devnet tag, so it's recommended that you consider updating your cached latest tag.

Configuration parameters

Above, we used the environmental variables to set the speed and bigsectors flags. The complete mapping of options are:

  • TEXLOTUSDEVNET_SPEED: Time in milliseconds of blocks/tipset generation.
  • TEXLOTUSDEVNET_BIGSECTORS: If true, the localnet will run on 512Mib sectors, but 2Kib otherwise.
  • TEXLOTUSDEVNET_NUMMINERS: The number of miners in the localnet. This is an experimental feature, stable for <=3 miners.
  • TEXLOTUSDEVNET_IPFSADDR: Optional multiaddr of an IPFS node to enable the Lotus node to be connected to an IPFS node to avoid importing deals data, and storing retrievals.

Run from source code


  • Devnet. If you run the localnet with a stand-alone Lotus node, you should get the latest version of the localnet source code.


Clone the lotus-devnet repo and cd into the project

git clone
cd lotus-devnet


Install the dependencies:

make build

Run the devnet with:

go run main.go

If you compiled a prior version of lotus-devnet, running make clean is recommended before building again.

For full configuration options, see the project Readme