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User Buckets from React Native

The Hub gets really powerful when you allow users to leverage IPFS, IPNS, and ThreadDB from inside your applications.

This tutorial will show you how you can let users create, own, and manage buckets in React Native.

Click here to see an example app built with this tutorial.

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Install libraries

Textile Libraries

npm install --save @textile/hub @textile/threads-id

We'll use the above combination of Textile libraries in our app below.


npm install -D rn-nodeify

We're going to use rn-nodeify and a few other libraries it'll install to manage Buffer, crypto, and other tools to our JavaScript environment in React Native.

Read about rn-nodeify here.

Next, you need to run:

./node_modules/.bin/rn-nodeify --install

This will install a shim.js into the root of your file. You need to import shim.js at the top of your app's root file (typically index.js),

import "./shim";

This may need to be updated in the future.

You can make this easier by adding a postinstall step to your package.json, as follows:

"scripts": {
  "postinstall": "./node_modules/.bin/rn-nodeify --install fs,path,process,buffer,crypto,stream,vm --hack"

Environment variables

If you plan to store your source-code anywhere public, you should not store those keys publicly.

To securely add API keys to your app, you can use react-native-dotenv.

npm install --save react-native-dotenv

Next, create a .env file in the root of your project. You can find an example .env in our example project here.


Be certain that the .env is added to your .gitignore and not checked in with your code.

The contents of .env will look like:


You can follow the instructions to generate a User Group Key here.

If you already generated keys, you can list them by executing hub keys ls. Add the values to your .env file on the right side of the equality sign.


The rest of the JavaScript portions in this tutorial will be in TypeScript. You don't need to use TypeScript but if you don't, be sure to strip the typings from any code you copy below.

Build your app


In the example app, we put all the ThreadDB and Bucket logic into a single component called checklist.ts. You can view that file for reference.

Import Textile

// Buckets client and an API Context helper
import { Buckets, Client, ThreadID, PrivateKey, Where } from "@textile/hub";

Register with remote API

Next, we'll connect to the remote API using our key from an insecure (non-signing) API key. Read more about keys for development mode.

We do this so the user can later push their bucket for remote persistence on IPFS and publishing on IPNS.

import { Client } from "@textile/hub";

const client = Client.withKeyInfo({
    key: "USER_API_KEY",


Read more about the Context tool in the Threads Introduction.

Generate an Identity

Read the basic identities tutorial here.

import { PrivateKey } from "@textile/hub";

async function example() {
    const id = await PrivateKey.fromRandom();
    return id;

Here, we're just using a helper to generate a private-key identity for the user.

Generate User Token

import { Client, PrivateKey } from "@textile/hub";

async function example(client: Client, identity: PrivateKey) {
    await client.getToken(identity);

This will register the user with your remote Hub account, granting them the ability to push data to IPFS through Threads and Buckets.

Connect Buckets

Now that your user is setup and connected to your API on the Hub, you can start creating Buckets. First, setup a Bucket instance.

import { Buckets } from "@textile/hub";

const buckets = Buckets.withKeyInfo({
    key: "USER_API_KEY",

In the code above, we reuse the Context we already created in our ThreadDB Client because it contains the token, API keys, etc.


If you already created a connection using the Threads client, you can directly transfer that connection to Buckets with Buckets.copyAuth(client).

List all Buckets

import { Buckets } from "@textile/hub";

async function find(buckets: Buckets) {
    const roots = await buckets.list();
    const exists = roots.find((bucket) => === "buckets");
    return exists;

Open a Bucket

The easiest way to start pushing/pulling bucket files is to use the open method with just the bucket name you intend to use.

import { Buckets } from "@textile/hub";

async function find(buckets: Buckets, name: string) {
    const root = await;
    return root; // root.key is the bucket key

Push files to User Bucket

Finally, let's push a simple file to the user's Bucket.

In this example, we'll just create a simple HTML file that says, Hello world.

import { Buckets } from "@textile/hub";

async function example(buckets: Buckets, bucketKey: string, content: string) {
    const file = { path: "/index.html", content: Buffer.from(content) };

    const raw = await buckets.pushPath(bucketKey, "index.html", file);

Updating User Bucket

When you update your Bucket:

  • The Thread containing the Bucket will be updated.
  • The Bucket's HTTP URL and IPNS address updates to reflects those updates.
  • The Bucket will get a new IPFS address (CID) any time you change it.

This gives you a lot of options for building apps, delivering content, and doing cool things for your users with their data.

To get each of the protocol addresses, read below.

Finally, you can list the links to the file on IPFS, IPNS, ThreadDB, and HTTP.

HTTP Address

Textile gives you and your users a public address for each Bucket created. They are created using the Bucket key and you can generate those as follows:


IPFS Address

The IPFS address is contained in the result of pushPath.

import { Buckets } from "@textile/hub";

async function example(buckets: Buckets, bucketKey: string, file: Buffer) {
    const raw = await buckets.pushPath(bucketKey!, "index.html", file);

IPNS Address

The IPNS Address is always the same and is the Bucket key! If you want to see the Bucket over IPNS from a gateway, you can use the Textile gateway as follows:


ThreadDB Address

You can generate a link to the Bucket with the user thread as follows:



Remember, at this point, Buckets are entirely open, data is available to be viewed or downloaded by anyone your app or user shares the link with.


Check out a complete React Native project on GitHub that generates a User Identity, Thread, and Bucket.

Android setup

Simply npm install and then npm run android from the root of the react-native-hub-app folder.

iOS setup

If npm run ios doesn't work for you immediately after npm install, follow these steps.

  1. Be sure you ran npm install.
  2. Be sure you have updated your .env file.
  3. Start the react native server, npm run start.
  4. Open Xcode
  5. Open the iOS project, ./ios/threadsdb_app.xcworkspace.
  6. Click run in Xcode.

Your app should now be running. Subsequent should work with just npm run ios.