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User Buckets

This section will cover how to share and host files with Buckets.

We'll build an example that allows users of your app to post photo galleries to IPFS, IPNS, and HTTP using Buckets.

Getting Started

There are a few resources you'll need before you start writing code.

  • A new Typescript web app. We recommend using Typescript, as Textile libraries are in a period rapid of development and type detection is valuable during upgrades.
  • You should already be familiar with how to create user identities and how to generate API keys.

Initialize Buckets

In your app, there are two items you'll regularly use when building with Buckets.

  • The Buckets class object where you'll initialize an API client for your user and call bucket methods.
  • The key of any bucket you want to interact with regularly since you'll need to tell the API which Bucket you're acting on.

So, to get started in our app, we're going to do three things at once.

  1. Create a new Bucket object.
  2. Create or fetch the existing bucket of interest by name.
  3. Get the key of the bucket.


For this tutorial, you'll be using an API key generated as part of a User Group key. It's possible to use Account Keys together with these APIs but they do not work in the same way since only Account owners (or Org members) can use them. A User Group key will allow you to create buckets for each user of your app.

import { Buckets, Identity, KeyInfo } from "@textile/hub";

const setup = async (key: KeyInfo, identity: Identity) => {
    // Use the insecure key to set up the buckets client
    const buckets = await Buckets.withKeyInfo(key);
    // Authorize the user and your insecure keys with getToken
    await buckets.getToken(identity);

    const result = await"io.textile.dropzone");
    if (!result.root) {
        throw new Error("Failed to open bucket");
    return {
        buckets: buckets,
        bucketKey: result.root.key,

Create a photo index

If you're going to allow users to upload more than a few images or files, it can be helpful to track the metadata in an index.

In our final example, we resample the photos on the fly, storing multiple sizes for better display performance. We track all those files with a simple JSON index in the root of our bucket.

It would be better to store that index right in the user's Thread! But we wanted to keep this tutorial simple.

import { Buckets, Identity } from "@textile/hub";

const initIndex = async (
    buckets: Buckets,
    bucketKey: string,
    identity: Identity
) => {
    // Create a json model for the index
    const index = {
        author: identity.public.toString(),
        date: new Date().getTime(),
        paths: [],
    // Store the index in the Bucket (or in the Thread later)
    const buf = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(index, null, 2));
    const path = `index.json`;
    await buckets.pushPath(bucketKey, path, buf);

Now you can update the paths each time you add new images to the bucket.

In our example, we add 4 files for every image, full-res, medium-res, thumbnail, and metadata. We also update the paths with a link to the file's metadata on each update.

In this way, an app can load just the single list of metadata and decide what to display.

Create a public view

Buckets are cross-protocol objects meaning that you can use them in IPFS, IPNS, or HTTP.

If you want to create a public view of a bucket over HTTP, you should add an index.html to the root.

In our example, we add an index.html that knows how to parse and display files based on the ./index.json stored above, in the same bucket.

import { Buckets, Identity } from "@textile/hub";

const addIndexHTML = async (
    buckets: Buckets,
    bucketKey: string,
    html: string
) => {
    // Store the index.html in the root of the bucket
    const buf = Buffer.from(html);
    const path = `index.html`;
    await buckets.pushPath(bucketKey, path, buf);

Push files

You're now ready to start pushing files to the bucket. You can push each binary file to a specific path in the bucket by using pushPath.

import { Buckets, PushPathResult } from "@textile/hub";

const insertFile = (
    buckets: Buckets,
    bucketKey: string,
    file: File,
    path: string
): Promise<PushPathResult> => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onabort = () => reject("file reading was aborted");
        reader.onerror = () => reject("file reading has failed");
        reader.onload = () => {
            const binaryStr = reader.result;
            // Finally, push the full file to the bucket
            buckets.pushPath(bucketKey, path, binaryStr).then((raw) => {

At this point, we also update our index.json with the new file.

Push encrypted buckets

If your app is providing private spaces for your users to organize their photos or files, you can also create encrypted buckets for them.

The open and init methods on the Bucket class take an isEncrypted option. Your bucket start method may look like:

import { Buckets } from "@textile/hub";

const openEncrypted = async (buckets: Buckets) => {
    const isEncrypted = true;
    const result = await
    if (!result.root) {
        throw new Error("Failed to open bucket");
    return {
        buckets: buckets,
        bucketKey: result.root.key,

Sharing encrypted buckets

There is no way to convert encrypted Buckets to non-encrypted or vice-versa.

However, it should be straight-forward to move files from an encrypted Bucket into a non-encrypted Bucket and back again.

Adding multiple readers or writers to Buckets is only currently available through orgs for developers, not app users.

However, we will include this ability in future releases. This is dependent on our work to implement more advanced Threads ACLs.

Be aware that creating encrypted Buckets still posts files to IPFS. Meaning the encrypted contents of Buckets are still publicly available, just encrypted so not possible to view without the encryption keys.

Example on GitHub

git clone
cd js-examples/bucket-photo-gallery