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Pow config apply

pow config apply

Apply the default or provided storage config to the specified cid


Apply the default or provided storage config to the specified cid

pow config apply [cid] [flags]


  -c, --conf string            Optional path to a file containing storage config json, falls back to stdin, uses the user default by default
  -h, --help                   help for apply
  -i, --import-deals strings   Comma-separated list of deal ids to import
  -e, --noexec                 If set, it doesn't create a job to ensure the new configuration
  -o, --override               If set, override any pre-existing storage configuration for the cid
  -w, --watch                  Watch the progress of the resulting job

Options inherited from parent commands

      --serverAddress string   address of the powergate service api (default "")
  -t, --token string           user auth token


  • pow config - Provides commands to interact with cid storage configs