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Pow deals storage

pow deals storage

List storage deal records for the user


List storage deal records for the user

pow deals storage [flags]


      --addrs strings     limit the records to deals initiated from  the specified wallet addresses, treated as and AND operation if --cids is also provided
  -a, --ascending         sort records ascending, default is sort descending
      --cids strings      limit the records to deals for the specified data cids, treated as and AND operation if --addrs is also provided
  -h, --help              help for storage
  -e, --include-failed    include failed deals
  -f, --include-final     include final deals
  -p, --include-pending   include pending deals

Options inherited from parent commands

      --serverAddress string   address of the powergate service api (default "")
  -t, --token string           user auth token


  • pow deals - Provides commands to view Filecoin deal information