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Static websites

Buckets make it simple to publish websites using IPFS. If you are using a static site builder such as Jekyll, Gatsby, Hugo, or Mkdocs you can add Buckets to your build steps for both staging and production site hosting.

Site builder tutorials

If you are using one of these static site builders, jump to the specific tutorials.

Automation and deployment (CI/CD)

Buckets are an ideal tool for persisting your website, source code, or documentation on IPFS using continuous integration. Tools like Travis CI, CircleCI, and GitHub Actions all make it possible to do very easily.

If you kepe your website source code on GitHub, we have provided a configurable GitHub Action that allows you to automatically push updates to your Bucket whenever your website changes.

View the Textile Buckets GitHub Action.


Domain Name Management

Network Replication

Your website may be one of your most important assets on IPFS. Why not pin it on multiple infrastructure providers for added network speed.


Initialize your Bucket

If you are building a static site with an engine such as Jekyll or Gatsyb, or even React you will want to initialize your Bucket in the root of the project, not in the build folder. Your project might look like this.

ls ./
build        package.json        src

In this case, we are building the raw site code in src into the build folder. We should initialize the Bucket at the root of the project.

cd build
hub bucket init

Push your Bucket

Now, pushing your Bucket is simple. After you build your project so that build contains the latest version of your site ready to deploy you run the bucket push command.

hub bucket push

That's it! Your site is now available on the free subdomain and over IPNS. You can easily integrate it into your own DNS using DNSLink.

You can use Buckets to host websites from your own domain using DNSLink. The easiest way to do this is using your Bucket's IPNS link. On Cloudflare for example, your updated DNS records should look like the following.

CNAME    <site>
TXT    _dnslink.<site>    dnslink=/ipns/<bucket ipns link>